Hemp wine - CARUN  290 CZK

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Hemp wine - CARUN 290 CZKMoravian wine with added hemp .
A rare variety - KERNER 2008







Hemp Carun wine is Riesling wine type BIO enriched extract of seeds and aerial parts of the plant cannabis .
Already Egyptians over three thousand years ago knew how to prepare wine and louhavaly medicinal herbs in it , in order to increase their effectiveness .
Kerner variety was bred by crossing varieties Trolínské ( Schiavo grosso ) and Riesling . Varieties , the first after his breeder said Herold Weiss was later renamed in honor of the physician and poet Justinus Andreas Weinsberg on behalf of Christian von Kerner .
The poet and doctor advised their patients daily glass of wine as the best natural remedies.
Every wine lover should taste this unique combination of good quality wine with an extract of cannabis .
Serve chilled.
Alk . 12.5 % vol
5O cl


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