Tickets cannabis – CARUN  130 CZK

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Tickets cannabis – CARUN 130 CZKHemp leaves and young flower - Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis is used for thousands of years to prepare teas, decoctions , infusions , tinctures , homeopathics , steam baths and aromatherapy.







Most young flower and leaves are used cannabis tea , which is known for its high- preventive properties to the human body. It helps in treating migraines and insomnia. Cannabis tea is recommended for children with asthma problems and problems of the respiratory tract.
Tickets are hand- picked under a full moon and then dried by the surviving traditions of local residents. This ritual has been practiced for centuries and known in modern times we have called this ritual psycho .
Hemp leaves Carun are carefully and lovingly grown in Jeseníkách in beautiful unspoilt countryside , where hemp grows thousands of years.
Hemp was used, for home spa , primarily for its healing , antibacterial , anti-inflammatory , regenerative and revitalizing effects .
Hemp tickets are universally used as a positive effect on the skin and internally immunity .
We recommend it for the following problems :
• respiratory problems ,
• asthma ,
• colds , coughs,
• insomnia , migraine,
• psoriasis, eczema , acne,
• skin allergies ,
• menstrual pain ,
• Dry, cracked skin ,
• weakened immunity ,
• fatigue .
Young leaves of cannabis are also very suitable for beauty salon, spa complexes and pharmacy .
In the field of alternative medicines, cannabis plays a great importance . With positive pharmacological effects started to role medical, but also mainly preventive . Hemp is not only suitable for children and pregnant women , but also for nursing mothers . Mother breastfeeding the child automatically transfers the substance , which also includes hemp plant . The researchers found that these substances are responsible in the central nervous system of basic human functions (motion , duplicating , information , ... ), these substances are called endocannabinoidy . Scientific work today can not be questioned and the truth about the amazing effects of cannabis are daily exposed to the public.
Tickets can also be used in cold and heat the kitchen.
Instructions for preparation of tea :
One to two teaspoons per cup of 250 ml, pour over boiling water and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes
We recommend that you store in a dry , cool and dark place .
Weight of the contents of the bag: 40 g
Country of Origin: Czech Republic


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Želivského 13
Jablonec nad Nisou
466 05
Česká republika
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